


News, Upcoming Events and Calls


19th International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC)

Helsinki, Finland



14th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry



Past events


ChemBio Finland 10.–11.4.2024

Chemistry and biotechnology event at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre


FinTac is proud to organize seminar titled "Thermoanalytical Methods in 3D-printing" in the event.

As a taste of what to come, read the following blog post

7th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC7)

Brno, Czech Republic, 28-31 August, 2023



48th   Swiss society for Thermal analysis and Calorimetry STK Annual Meeting  

Calorimetry at the Crossroads of Materials, Life and Food Sciences

Nestle Rive-Reine Conference center, 19 september, 2023


FinTAC-seminar of Thermal Analytical Methods

Tampere University, 30 - 31 August 2023

More information here

FinTAC grant 2023:


The FinTAC grant 2023 was given to doctoral student MSc Mimosa Sillanpää (University of Turku) for attending the XXXI International Conference on Polyphenols (ICP 2023 3.–6.7.2023, Nantes, France) where she has a poster to present her research. The decision was based on the clear, technically well prepared application and the research topic having focus on development and application of new materials characterization methods. Further, the research has high environmental and societal relevance. Mimosa Sillanpää’s work is focused on studying the interactions between plant tannins and commercial antiparasitic drugs to determine if tannins could reduce anthelmintic resistance when combined with a treatment using commercial anthelmintics.


FinTAC seminar questionnaire: 
In February 2023 FinTAC board organized a questionnaire about interest in participating to a national thermal analysis and calorimetry seminar and about wishes for the seminar content. We got very valuable information that will be used in developing the FinTAC activities, thank you for all participants! Between the participants a restaurant gift card was allotted. The winner has been informed personally.



ChemBio Finland 2022:

Thermal analysis to support sustainable utilization of our environment at Kemian päivät 2022 (ChemBio Finland)

Messukeskus, Helsinki, 9.6.2022



FinTAC grant 2020:


The FinTAC grant 2020 was given to MSc (Tech.) Niina Merilaita (University of Tampere) for attending the 14th International Conference on Ceramic Processing Science (Luleå, Sweden, 21.-26.6.2020). The decision was based on academic merits, well-defined justifications for conference participation and a research topic having both societal impact in general and relevance to the scientific field FinTAC is representing.


FinTAC-FyFa Symposium 2020:

Joint symposium of the Finnish Society of Physical Pharmacy and Finnish Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Association:

"Trends of thermoanalytical methods in materials characterization"

13-14 February 2020, Helsinki, Finland 



ChemBio Finland 2019:


FinTAC ry organized a session "Materials in nature - thermoanalytical aspects" in ChemBio Finland (Kemian päivät) in Helsinki on Wednesday 27.3.2019.

The abstract booklet can be found here.


FinTAC grant 2019:


The FinTAC grant was given to MSc Lizhi Liu (University of Eastern Finland) for attending the 6th Nano Today Conference (Lisbon, Portugal, 16.-20.6.2019) with the poster entitled "Homologous targeting and synergistic therapy with biomimetic porous silicon for breast cancer therapy”. The decision was based on excellent academic merits and research topic relevant to the scientific field FinTAC ry is representing.


FinTAC grant 2018:


The FinTAC grant 2018 was given to MSc Emilia Palo (Univeristy of Turku) for attending the EuCheMS conference (Liverpool, UK, August 26.-30.2018) with the poster entitled "Layer-by-layer method in protecting upconverting nanoparticles." The decision was based on academic merits and research topic relevant to the scientific field FinTAC ry is representing.

ChemBio Finland 2017:


FinTAC ry organized a half-day thermal analysis and calorimetry session at the ChemBio Finland 2017 in Helsinki on March 29-30, 2017.

The abstract booklet can be found here.


Thermal Analysis Workshop 10.10.2017:

Finnish Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Association FinTAC ry and Tampere University of Technology organized a seminar focusing in DMTA and TMA-techniques and their applications in determining thermomechanical material properties. The program can be found here.


FinTAC grant 2016:


The FinTAC grant 2016 was given to MSc Konstantin Tamarov (University of Eastern Finland) for attending the 5th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials (6-10 March 2017, Lisbon, Portugal) with a presentation on the development of nanoscale ultrasound contrast agents. All  received applications for the grant were scientifically of excellent quality and topics relevant to the area FinTAC is representing. The granted applicant was chosen purely by academic merits, which in this case were excellent.